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Welcome to Eastside Little League!  All of us here at ESLL are looking forward to another great season and are so excited you chose to be a part of our league.  While playing Little League Baseball is a lot of fun, we realize your first season can be a bit overwhelming. We hope you find the information below to be helpful and that it allows you to hit the ground running.  This is an overview of all the fun we have here at ESLL and what to expect during a typical season. We are happy to answer any questions you may have, please direct your inquiries to [email protected].

Registration & Document Checks: Please complete all steps to our online registration and prepare your school verification form or residency verification documents, proof of age & medical release form for a required in-person document check.  Once registered, you will receive email updates for the next document check.  

Practices:  Your coach will be in touch with you to let you know when and where your team will practice.  It is at your coach's discretion the day and time of your practice. 

Game Days/Location: At the Tee Ball & Coach Pitch Level (Lower Divisions) your child will have 2 games per week once during the week and on Saturdays and the Upper Divisions will have 2 games a week, also including a Saturday game.  Most games in the Lower Divisions will be at the ESLL Fields behind Vineland Elementary School. In addition, Upper Divisions will have games at other area league fields. Please check the schedule on the ESLL website to confirm the location of your games as the field locations may vary.   

Uniforms: The league provides each child with a hat and jersey  Uniform sizing takes place at the begining of the season and uniforms are typically distributed a week before the first games of the season

Equipment needed: Each player should have a baseball helmet, a baseball glove, and cleats. A USA approved bat is recommended.

Back to Baseball Day: At Back to Baseball we meet our coach and teammates, are fitted for uniforms and receive information about the remainder of the season in your player packet.  This is also the day when we ask parents to sign up for volunteer positions. We are an entirely volunteer run organization and need help from everyone for a successful season.  Please consider helping out in any way possible. Team volunteer positions include Team Mom, Sponsorship Coordinator, Hit-a-thon Coordinator, Snack Bar Coordinator, Field Maintenance, and Raffle Basket Coordinator.  Once your child reaches Minor C, required volunteer positions are added for Umpires and Scorekeeper. There will be a list of the volunteer position descriptions in your player’s packet. Back to Baseball is a fun day and is the first event of the season where the entire League is in attendance. 

Opening Day: Opening Day kicks off with a parade of the players around the major’s field, a banner competition, Opening Ceremonies and the first pitch.  Opening Day is also our first game day for the season, day and time to be announced.

Team Sponsor: Each team is required to obtain a $250 team sponsorship.  There are additional sponsorship opportunities available, but this is the minimum required per team.  Most teams fulfill this requirement by having either a player’s family or friend’s business sponsor the team.  Occasionally teams are not interested in pursuing a sponsor and decide to divide the minimum sponsorship requirement amongst the team.  A list of the various levels of sponsorship will be included in your player packet.  

Snack Bar Duty: The ESLL snack bar is one of the things our players like most about baseball.  Nothing beats chili cheese fries after a game! Our snack bar is staffed by volunteers and we need everyone’s help to make it successful.  Each team will be assigned 2-3 Snack bar shifts throughout the season. Your team’s Snack Bar Coordinator is responsible for ensuring your volunteers are scheduled and show up to work your team’s snack bar shift.  The shifts are intentionally scheduled during your team’s games. This is done to ensure the volunteers are there and to prevent families from having to make an extra trip. Teams are required to have three people in the snack bar at all times during their shift to make sure there is someone to grill and two people to work the window.  Most teams split the shift in half so 6 volunteers are used to cover the shift.  

Team Banner: Each team either purchases or makes a team banner for the season.  The individual who volunteers as the Banner Coordinator is in charge of making or having the banner made as well as bringing it to each game.  They are NOT responsible for purchasing the banner. Each player contributes towards the cost of the banner (usually $5- $10/ player) or you may get a sponsor to pay for the banner. The banner is hung on the dugout during each game.

Background checks/Volunteer Applications: All managers, assistant coaches, team parents, umpires and any other individuals who plan on assisting with the players (parents helping out at practice, in the dugout etc…) are required to complete a volunteer application and undergo a background check each season.  You can initiate the process by logging into your account and registering as a volunteer on the ESLL website. 

Team MOM Meeting:  We will have an informational meeting for all team mom in the beginning of the season.  This meeting will go over all responsibilities of the team Mom and answer your questions.

Safety & Concussion Training: All managers, coaches & team parents will be required to attend our in person safety training and online concussion training.  You will receive more information in your player packet.  

Scorekeeper Training: Although not required at the Coach Pitch and Tee Ball level, this is a great time to explore scorekeeping.  Our league offers training and would love to have you join in. If you are interested,keep a look out for the dates.

Field Maintenance: Each team is required to have field maintenance volunteers.  These individuals are responsible for making sure the field is ready for play or practice.  You will receive further information regarding our League Field Maintenance requirements in your player packet
League Raffle Fundraiser: Each player is required to participate in two league fundraisers. Our first Fundraiser is the league raffle Fundraiser. Each player will need to see 10 raffle tickets. Participants will have a chance to win cash money. With this raffle, players enter for a chance to be one of our three top sellers. We will have a 1st 2nd and 3rd place top seller prizes for the players who sell the most tickets.

Dodger Day: Each year ESLL participates in Little League Days at Dodger Stadium.  This is a fun-filled day that starts in the parking lot with a potluck tailgate and includes the players getting to parade around the field before the game starts and then watch the Dodgers play.   Tickets will go on sale later in the season and each person wanting entrance into the stadium must have a ticket. This includes the players. This event has sold out in the past, so order early. Dodger Day is a must do!

Picture Day:  Your team will be notified of your picture time.  There will be various photo packages to choose from to meet everyone’s budget.

Closing Ceremonies:  After the Playoffs, closing ceremonies take place.  This is a fun event that recognizes our sponsors, player participation, division sportsmanship awards and divisional champions.  Recognition for a season of hard work!   

Closing Ceremony Raffle Fundraiser:  This is a fun way to raise money for the league.  Each team donates a themed basket or item valued at $100 or more to be raffled off.   Throughout the Closing Ceremonies the items are raffled off and a few are included in a silent auction.  It is exciting to watch the strategy that goes into the basket selection and bidding.  

We hope you found this information helpful.  If you still have questions or need help throughout the season, please feel free to reach out to our ESLL Board Members.  

Go ESLL!!!